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"not so Super Hero Girl!"

One woman show

by Sakurako Kataoka

Welcome to Sakura's one woman show "not so Super Hero Girl", my very own passion project filled with unique and engaging content. Explore the site; "not so Super Hero Girl" might ignite your own passions as well. Visit my blog which tells you what is going on.

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Next performance Jan.27th 2p.m. @CRS 123 4th ave.NY サコ・ヤスマ ニューイヤー“セレブレーション! ”コンサート ニューアルバム「ありのままが美しい」リリースと新年を祝って 普通のコンサートと、ちょっと かなり違う、、かも...

Props are coming in...

中国から(だと思う)はるばるショー用の小物が届きましたわ ちょっと何に使うのか今は言えないけど 企みはバッチリいけることが判明 うしし オマケにつけまつげが入ってました。 使えるかも。 Props I ordered keep coming. This one came...

Video Selfie Audition, Singers wanted!

Wanted: Music(karaoke) lovers who can sing a theme song in English with me at the ending scene of the show "not so Super Hero Girl" on...

PR art was created by Shiori Ishii

My friend Shiori Ishii in Japan kindy created this art. I wanted to use this super hero girl image of mine. That is it. She came up with...

Erika's fantasy land

My friend Erika who loves ball room dancing so much kindly invited me to her place to rend her beautiful dance dress for the dance scene!...

Dance lesson #2

I cannot say it is going super well... but at least dance coach Anton said "we will be ok since I have some basics in me." I just have...

Being encouraged by what I am creating...?

朝一で携帯画面こなごな 私の📷❤️もこなごな事件2連発 まだ10時 昔昔、最強悲しいできごとがあった夜に ビレッジのバーで初めて聞いたこの曲 Who knows what tomorrow brings or takes away? As long as I'm stil...

Step by step to oct. 20th

My friend taught me a special method to help me to memorize rylics. I’m combining that method and walking method developed by spiritual...

Finally found a guest dancer/coach

My solo show on Oct. 20th is going to be somewhat “musical” When it comes to musical, Talk, singing and DANCING would be necessary. I...

Day 36 7 minutes accumulates

My solo show on Oct. 20th..... It is showing some progress however I have not finished writing all script. I am having hard time...

I can't memorize lirycs!

英語の歌って難しい 今さらだけど サビ以外の歌詞が覚えられない💦 本番までになんとか English song is difficult to sing for me. In Japanese, each syllable is associated with one...

Chaotic phase of creating process

I’m going through the chaotic phase of creating process right now. I have not finished writing yet. I don’t even know the title yet. Even...

New decision, Love for myself?

「愛」は、運動嫌いで三日坊主、甘いもの大好きな中高年女子をも変えるのか!? お茶のお稽古の帰りはついついハイカラで 明太子パスタ食べるプチ贅沢が習慣になってた(笑)のが 今日はaçaí bowl を自ら望んで選択する!という奇怪な行動に!...


いよいよ言ってしまうっ えいやっ One woman show やらせていただきます たった八ヶ月前には考えられなかった 歌声トラウマを乗り越えて、、、 ややミュージカル(!)ふうに仕上げる予定(たぶん) ボイストレーニングの先生にも今日...

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